Tuesday, August 21, 2012

"Back to School App-pack" by Greg Kulowiec

"Back to School App-pack" by Greg Kulowiec
As school begins, I am actively searching for experienced TechTeachers to share their wisdom with me. We initiate our BYOD efforts at school this year, and I wish to be able to coherently and engagingly incorporate the best tools to facilitate student learning and success.
Look no further than the article by Greg Kulowiec at http://kulowiectech.blogspot.com/2012/08/back-to-school-app-pack.html
He clearly explains how each tool will enable his students to demonstrate their understanding.
Thank you Greg!
"The summer is quickly winding down & a number of teachers will be returning to their classroom with new mobile devices (iPads). Throughout the summer I have been conducting workshops on iPad integration with EdTechTeacher and I thought it might be helpful to pull together a back to school list of apps structured around specific classroom goals. While many schools may already have an Apple VPP program already in place, I know a number of teachers will also be purchasing the apps themselves. Therefore, I will do my best to include both a pay & free app for each objective..."
Read more at: http://kulowiectech.blogspot.com/2012/08/back-to-school-app-pack.html
Be sure to check out all of Greg's great ideas at his website!

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