One more day till I travel to Phialdelphia to enjoy the ISTE annual conference. This is my first ISTE, and I am looking forward to learning so much, and to bringing back great ideas for education to share with colleagues. Check out the many sessions and keynote speakers at
I will also work with SMART as a Trade Show Teacher along with other great SMART Exemplary Educators from around the country.
I am especially excited about being part of the opening reception Global Connections marketplace to share many international projects with which my students and I have participated: Civic Voices International Democracy Memory Bank Project (, The Goethe Institute Transatlantic Outreach Program (, IREX Teaching Excelence and Achievement Grant and Teachers and Global Classrooms (, and the International Book Sharing Project (
I am also happy to share that I am now a Certified SMART Notebook and Response Trainer!
Watch for ISTE updates over the next few days!